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ENV Services realizes the importance of a safe and effective biological decontamination process for all industries to ensure the inactivation of potentially harmful bacteria and viruses. Hydrogen Peroxide Vapor (HPV) is rapid, residue free and fast becoming the bio-decontaminant of choice in the laboratory and pharmaceutical sectors. HPV is environmentally friendly, decomposing to oxygen and water, and is highly effective against spore forming bacteria, viruses, fungi and mold. It is compatible with materials normally used in aseptic processing and laboratory applications.
ENV can offer you an alternative to formaldehyde. We are able to decontaminate laboratory equipment and rooms, just as effectively, but without the same risk or clean up. It is also safe for any equipment with intricate circuit boards.
Bio-decontamination of laboratory or laboratory equipment can easily be achieved by depositing an even layer of "micro-condensation" of HPV vapor over all surfaces. The vapor generators used by ENV Services can provide this "micro-condensation" to effectively decontaminate laboratory equipment of all types. Scientific research has proven this low temperature "residue-free" deposit of vapor deactivates micro organisms during the decontamination process using far less toxic methods than the alternatives.
Reducing our "carbon footprint" is something we all want to strive for these days and HPV does not contribute to the increase of CO2 and other "greenhouse" gases typically associated with alternative decontamination methods.
ENV Services realizes the importance of a safe and effective biological decontamination process for all industries to ensure the inactivation of potentially harmful bacteria and viruses. Hydrogen Peroxide Vapor (HPV) is rapid, residue free and fast becoming the bio-decontaminant of choice in the laboratory and pharmaceutical sectors.
HPV is environmentally friendly, decomposing to oxygen and water, and is highly effective against spore forming bacteria, viruses, fungi and mold. It is compatible with materials normally used in aseptic processing and laboratory applications.
The HPV generator used by ENV is engineered to gas the equipment or room at negative pressure. Which ensures the peroxide would be pulled into the equipment/room and not escape if a leak were to occur. The unit has an internal catalyst for neutralization, thus no other equipment is required for neutralization.